RANDom thought: I AM worth it!
What do you think of when you hear the word investing? Most of us think of the stock market. Well, that is not what we are discussing today. We are talking about investing in yourself and your business. This is a topic I am passionate about and live by in my personal life and my business. I invested in myself and my employees when I worked in corporate America. It is no different now that I am an entrepreneur. I believe it is even more critical now that I am in business for myself.
Let’s begin with investing in yourself personally. This may be by walking, getting a mani/pedi, or a massage. Other ways to invest in yourself are time with friends, time alone, meditation, reading, and making time for your favorite hobby. There are no rules for investing in yourself other than you choose something you enjoy that makes you feel special. My go-to forms of self-care include pedicures, yoga, walking on the beach, and reading. I am a better human when I make time for these activities.
In business, I am a little more intentional. Look at your goals for the year. We need to talk if you did not set goals for the year! Back to your goals…How are you investing to ensure you reach your goals? For example, one of my goals is to have twelve paid speaking gigs in 2022. Two investments I have made toward this goal are joining a local chapter of the National Speaker’s Association and hiring a speaking coach. None of this is free. However, I need to invest in my craft to achieve my dream. Learning is a lifelong endeavor, and you will never know it all. Hence, it is vital to prioritize the investments you make. I know people who take all types of courses but never implement them. This is not helping your business. Be methodical about what path you will take to enhance your learning and how you will implement the lessons learned. You will not be disappointed. Learning is a lifelong sport!
I will discuss this topic more in a FB live mini training on the private Career Cultivators site on Wednesday at 11:30 EST. Join me there!
The Boss Lady Podcast: Episode #104 will discuss this topic. It comes out on Thursday, September 1,2022https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/JPL2EYVjksb
If you like this episode, you may also want to listen to Episodes 71, 95, and 99
Remember, as my Grandfather always said, “Take time to stop and smell the roses”!
Until we meet again, take care.