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Writer's pictureTeresa Rand

Blog: Women and the “Great Breakup”


Blog: November 7, 2022 FB Live: November 9th 11:30 Podcast: November 10th

Now that I have your attention keep reading! What woman doesn’t like to talk about great breakups? However, today I am discussing the “Great Breakup” and its effect on women in the workplace, not in personal relationships. That may be a topic for another day.

According to the 2022 Women in the Workplace report, women are demanding more from work and leaving their companies in unprecedented numbers.

This comprehensive report (62 pages) is an eye-opening read about how women are responding to not making enough progress to the top level of organizations. Women want companies that are equitable, supportive, and inclusive. Is that too much to ask? Companies are losing their current women leaders at an unprecedented pace, directly impacting their ability to attract and retain younger female talent.

According to this report, women are getting stuck on the first rung of the corporate ladder. Women represent 48% of entry-level positions, yet only 26% rise to the C-Suite. More importantly, the women at senior levels leave at twice the rate of women receiving promotions! This disparity between those leaving and those being promoted means the pipeline for females is getting less.

Here are some staggering statistics on why women are leaving the workplace.• Lack of opportunity to advance• Level of manager support• Flexibility• Organization’s commitment to DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion)• Organization’s commitment to well-being

Which of those reasons resonates the most with you?

The entire article is a must-read on women in the workplace. I encourage you to take a few minutes to read it and discuss it with your peers. 

RANDom thought: women are demanding more

Join me here for a mini-discussion on this topic, Wednesday, November 9th at 11:20am. (session will be recorded)

The Boss Lady Podcast: Women and the “Great Breakup” discussion on Thursday, November 10, 2022. Listen to the podcast by clicking here.

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