RANDom thought: A joy of life is making new friends.
I recently had a friend text me with this message. "I met a lady today, and the two of you must meet."
The friend who texted me knows me well, so I trusted her judgment and immediately said, "Okay, introduce us." I now have a new friend named Joanna Rajendra, and I am happy I accepted that text intro.
After the text, we met for lunch, and at 2:30, she said, on my, I must go get my son from school. We had been talking for more than two hours! We have so much in common that we are now working on two projects together. More on that to come later.
You will get to meet my new friend on this week's podcast. Her name is Joanna Rajendran, the author of My Guru Wears Heels. I am so excited to introduce her to all of you! I know you will immediately love her as I do!
How do you meet or make new friends? Have current friends ever introduced you to someone that was just the right person at the right time?
I will discuss this topic more on FB live at my Career Cultivators site on Wednesday at 11:45. Join me there!
Also, check out this week’s podcast for more on this subject.
Be sure to follow me on the Facebook Career Cultivators page and Twitter.
Remember, as my Grandfather always said, “Take time to stop and smell the roses”!
Until we meet again, take care.