Last week we discussed purging and preparing for 2023. This week, I am continuing that theme but with a different twist. As I went through my office papers, pictures, past client information, etc, I realized how much I had to be grateful for. I was thankful when I looked at the pictures in my office of family and friends. Looking through awards, thank you notes, and past paycheck stubs, I felt blessed. Yes, I work hard, but why? Is it just for the paycheck? Is it for family? It is for both. I am grateful for a career. I am thankful for my friends and family. I am blessed with abundance. That is what I tell the Universe every day, and then I work hard to make it come true. I took some time, along with shredding, throwing things away, and making a Goodwill pile, to simply sit on the floor among the mess and feel happy and satisfied. A New Year is coming, and being reflective helps me prepare. What do you do to prepare for the New Year?
I wish you a blessed Thanksgiving with friends and family. If you are spending time alone this Thanksgiving, take a few moments to list the things you are grateful for, reflect on the past, and plan for the future.
RANDom thought: Purging and preparing leads to being grateful
Join me here for a mini-discussion on this topic, Thursday, November 22nd at 4:30PM (session will be recorded)
The Boss Lady Podcast: Purging and Preparing Continues Thursday, November 24, 2022. Listen here: