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  • Writer's pictureTeresa Rand

Women’s History Month Rant


RANDom thought: “It took me quite a long time to develop a voice, and now that I have it, I am not going to be silent.” — Madeleine Albright 

March was National History Month, and I fully celebrated the women in our community. However, I cannot say the same for our local newspaper. I realized on March 25th that there had been no coverage in the News Journal (NJ) for Women’s History Month. I reached out via text to a reporter I know, and he directed me to the Editor. I then sent the Editor an email asking if there were plans to cover Women’s History Month.

After I sent another follow-up email a week later, he responded by sending me one online article about eight local female entrepreneurs. He said there would be a follow-up with those same women. I replied that I thought there should be more coverage. I even offered to write an article myself! He then responded that they were short-staffed and unable to do more.

My final email to him was to let him know how disappointed I was that the NJ did not make covering Women’s History Month more of a priority. I do not believe them being short-staffed is a valid excuse for not covering a Nationally Recognized Month to celebrate women! I think that it simply was not a priority at all. I am not only disappointed but angry. Rant over, thank you for listening. Ladies, our work is NOT done!


Be sure to follow me on the Facebook Career Cultivators page and Twitter.

Remember, as my Grandfather always said, “Take time to stop and smell the roses”!

Until we meet again, take care. 


Email from NJ Editor, March 28, 2022

Hi, Theresa, thanks for taking the time to write. 

Not only are we down several reporters and a key editor, but Gannett has made some drastic changes to the print product that has our remaining editors trying to tamp that down. 

We did post this last week as a digital only feature: 

I'm having the reporter call these businesses back and at the very least get a quote from each one of the women business owners. 

At some point, we hope to be fully staffed. And thanks for reading. 


Email from me to NJ Editor March 28, 2022

Again, thank you for responding.

I must admit I am extremely disappointed that the NJ did not make covering Women's History Month more of a priority.

I understand being short staffed, but it has not kept coverage of other important issues from being covered. Black History Month, March Madness, etc.

I will make myself a note to reach out to you earlier next March.

Thank you, Teresa

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